Re: Lotus Notes (was Re: Sendmail Fixkit)

Jonathan M. Bresler (jmb@kryten.Atinc.COM)
Sun, 12 Mar 1995 17:32:46 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 9 Mar 1995, Software Test Account wrote:
> Can anyone cast a little more light on the potential problems with respect
> to the Lotus Notes (cc-MAIL) SMTP gateway.
> I need to make a rapid assessment of this package.  Any assistance 
> would be greatly appreciated.

	Our cc:Mail gateway runs on a dos box, read only one machine can 
try to send mail from the smtp side to teh cc:mail side at a time.

	The thing crashes regularly, too many messages, message too 
large, wrong phase of the moon.   

	Only commerical software can be this bad.

Jonathan M. Bresler	| Analysis & Technology, Inc.  
						| 2341 Jeff Davis Hwy
play go.					| Arlington, VA 22202
ride bike. hack FreeBSD.--ah the good life	| 703-418-2800 x346